The High Seas waited for the ship to set sail…
That of a monstrous turd the size of a whale.
But the seas weren’t blue, they were chocolate brown.
Someone had recently taken the throne to Poo-Town.
It took three flushes for the water to clear.
Enormous was the size of Poo-Town’s smear.
“All aboard!” I heard, so I planted my cheeks.
It was a luxury cruise and had warm seats.
Such magnificent beauty like that of a royal.
Only the very finest… nothing could spoil.
The ship blew the foghorn to signal departure.
Sadly we would sail straight into disaster.
It was the time of year when things are icy.
And the time for food that’s hot and spicy.
Thus came a massive explosion and a violent shake.
Like the kind that hitting an ice-turd would make.
We took on water and began to sink.
People were screaming amidst the vile stink.
It was a horrible sight a tragedy most heinous…
The sinking of the mighty shit Titanus.
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