
Sacrificial Shizzle

I just excreted a steamy brown broth…
It hissed and bubbled in a furious froth.

I didn’t mean to deliver such a blasphemous bog.
But there it lay, the loathsome liquid log.

This offending offering angered the gods of goo.
Never had they witnessed such a hideous poo.

It was the stench that caused such an uproar.
Nothing could contain the scent of pure gore.

But this was no normal, runny shizzle.
It came to life in a violent stink sizzle.

The beast had reared its ugly bowels.
Bellowing farts with deafening howls.

I knew at once I needed salvation.
I needed to avoid doodoo damnation.

The beastly bog must be cleansed from this bowl.
So I slammed the flusher and prayed for my soul.

Pure Pooetry

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