
Oh The Covidity!

I just released a covid whopper.
A highly contagious stinking plopper.

On fast food and coffee is where it grows.
And once fed, symptoms start in the nose.

A putrid waft can be smelled.
Abdominal cramping will be felt.

Some may require pootensive care.
Others might only need new underwear.

But that doesn’t mean there’s no need for concern.
Once you’re infected you’ll feel the burn.

With each covid nugget, there’s going to be heat.
Like passing a hot coal and there’s no retreat.

Currently, no cure is found to exist.
But we must keep searching, we must poosist.

They say once flushed you should always disinfect.
To flatten the curve of those you might infect.

But as for the duration, all you can do is just wait.
I have hope cos toilet’s been blocked two days straight.

Pure Pooetry

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