
A Frightening Discovery

Casually I lifted the lid and what did I find?
Something that scared my naive behind.

It was a colossal mess, possibly a rectal riot.
A crime took place here and it far from quiet.

The Devil is in the details, as they say…
But this one was blasted out with a spray.

Chunks and giblets stuck to every surface.
The brown grossly and horrifically in surplus.

I wish I hadn’t seen this, I don’t like this discovery.
The glistening remains are a sickening blubbery.

I have to flush this, I cannot risk it.
I must be rid of this foul stink biscuit.

But before I do, I make a quick confession…
I am responsible for this turdly transgression.

I just remembered I made this swampy mush.
Because last night I forgot to press the flush.

Pure Pooetry

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