
Weekend Rumble

After feasting on burgers and tender steak…
I sorely needed a bathroom break.

My bowels were full and on the verge…
Of erupting forth a horrible splurge.

Off I went to clear some room…
To banish the mound of brownest doom.

The burger left first as it was covered in grease.
The kind you get from double bacon and cheese.

Then the steak which was juicy and plump.
Funnily enough, the cut was from the rump.

But what I didn’t count on was the spicy seasoning.
It packed a punch without rhyme or reasoning.

It felt like fire burning everything in sight.
Including the porcelain which was no longer white.

The battle was fought and the vile deed done.
Weekend feasting: 0, Papa Poosepi: 1.

Pure Pooetry

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