Magic, Pooetry

Bestial Bog

I had no inkling of the beast I was to release.
Sinister forces emerged when I birthed the grease.

The stench of this dump was so seethingly heinous.
I truly believe it came from another creature’s anus.

Surely not from my rear, or even another human.
It must be from a sort of bestial, fecal poo-man.

A reek so overpowering, my eyes began to water.
I feared my ass was guilty of a brown manslaughter.

My nostrils flared and my throat started closing up.
Gagging, I thought I’d have another type of cleanup.

My fingers curled like a withered tree in The Fall.
The sooner the better, I escape from this stall.

This fecal fragrance, so rotten, primal and base.
Honestly I’d rather be sprayed in the face with mace.

My first thought was I’d stepped in dog shit.
But I stood to inspect and inhaled a wafting hit.

Clutching the walls I managed to stay upright.
My gawd, that stink gave my heart a nasty fright.

Poohaps my bowels were possessed by The Beast.
I reached for my phone to google for a poo-priest.

Instead I decided to take matters into my own hands.
Not literally! I flushed the foul creature to far away lands.

Down through the porcelain the bog swirled.
The ungodly mass had finally left this world.

Pure Pooetry

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