
A Sickening Sight

I peered into the bowl after a heinous outing.
What I saw left my mind doubting.

Was I responsible for such an offensive sight?
I couldn’t comprehend this poopy plight.

Allow me to paint you this grotesque picture.
Splattered all over the plumbing fixture.

Laying there, the colour of expired mustard.
And with the aroma of recycled custard.

The shape and texture were otherworldly.
So alien and foreign, a bog so burly.

I shuddered at the thought of pressing the flusher.
What if it backfired and became a gusher?

So I did what any normal person would do.
I said farewell to this rancid poo.

I took the air freshener firmly in one hand.
Then chucked the whole thing into the can.

I lit the fuse then quickly left the room.
Better this toilet was destroyed, KABOOM!

Pure Pooetry

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