
Tailpipe Troubles

I’ve got a brown log stuck in the tailpipe.
I can’t remove it, even with a wipe.

It only pushed it further back in.
Would a vacuum cleaner give me the win?

I’m heaving and a-hoing, but nothing gets it going.
I need a jump start to get this shiz following.

Now I’m getting desperate to remove this lard.
I grab the plunger and pump real hard.

This damn stubborn nugget! This steadfast goop!
I just wanna be done with this sticky lump of poop!

I put my thumb in my mouth and blow like a balloon.
My cheeks swell up like the full moon.

I inflate and I’m filled with enormous pressure.
My only hope is to blast out this turdly treasure.

And I do! With an almighty POOTOOHEY…
But now I’ve sprayed the seat with the brown gooey!

Pure Pooetry

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