Magic, Pooetry

Rectal To The Rescue: Part 2

I continue on my journey to find the damsel in distress.
It’s not long until I feel my bowels are in excess.

I make a pooping stop at a very public wishing well.
With nowhere else to go, I make a quick poo-spell.

I wave my wand and chant some magical words…
To conceal myself while I spill some wizardly turds.

The well and I are now see-through, it’s crystal clear.
But I forgot to apply the spell to my flooding brown spear.

Without warning, some villagers spy my pooping.
But they only see witchcraft, poo-polluting.

They scream and flee, so I take my cue.
I guess some other time I’ll complete this poo!

I dash into the woods while poo still drops from me.
I’m still invisible, what a ghastly sight to see!

I grab a clump of moss to give myself a clean.
But lo and behold, it was actually a troll’s hairy bean!

Now I’m in the shit, this forest troll wants me dead.
Stunned with fear, drop a few loaves of brown bread…


Pure Pooetry

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