
Slavin’ Away

I’m stuck in a dead end like this compacted stool.
I’ve been putting this off like a damned fool.

It’s quarter to three, and this is my first bog of the day.
Treated like shit and working this hard is not the right way.

But yet I still slave away to get the job done.
While my inner oven cooks this brown bun.

This backlog of brown log creates a noxious gas.
How can I stop the occasional fart escaping my ass?

I’m unapoociated despite my doodoo dedication.
Oh, I’d love to get me some revenge defecation.

I could slip a brown nugget or two into their coffee!
Then see the look in their eyes as they down the rancid toffee!

So my sense of humour gets me through the rough patch.
Just be wary around me, and don’t light a single match!

Pure Pooetry

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