I’ve returned with another atrocious rhyme.
So here it drops now, a mass of oozing slime.
It endlessly snakes out and plunges into the water.
It’s enormous girth is a frightful rectal slaughter.
I fear the bowl will be left with a terrible stain.
It’s smeared brown and red, and, oh man the pain!
I clench my fists, gnash my teeth and close my eyes.
Oh lord above, please hear my soggy brown cries!
The worst is over and I sigh in relief.
Yet, my ass is feeling the horrible grief.
My knees tremble as I attempt to stand.
Reaching for the paper my legs feel like sand.
Wiping, I catch a glimpse of the devastation.
The bowl is filled with a mountain of defecation.
The porcelain cracks under the extreme weight.
And fairing no better is my poor stretched date.
I press the flush button and pray all goes well.
Alas, the bog floods out in a heinous swell.
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