
The Evening Stink Lingers

I’m at it again, here’s another poo for tonight.
I can’t sleep with a lingering stinky fright.

The smell told me I better plant that butt.
Best I quickly expel it from within my gut.

Even though I didn’t get that usual lower urge.
I knew the safest thing was to do a rear purge.

I could end up with nightmares all stinky and brown.
I can see it now, King Doodoo Devil wearing his crown.

I want no doodoo dreams so sinister and smelly.
Just cos a rancid loaf of dung rests in my belly.

Next to wipe and be free at last.
It’s safe to sleep, now I did blast.

And because it’s out, flushed away from here.
I can sleep tight without any sour soggy fear.

Pure Pooetry

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