
See Me Run

Woe is me, I’ve got the runs.
The ooze spews forth in tonnes.
Something I ate has done this to me.
Giving the opposite feeling of glee.
Rectum is blasting, firing all guns.

My ring burns like melted wax.
The pain levels are to the max.
Wiping is going to be quite severe.
Please lord, get me outta here.
I shed a tear and make wisecracks.

This humour doesn’t help at all.
The pain erupts even more.
It feels like lava flowing strong.
This sensation is all too wrong.
My ass is volcanic levels of sore.

Brown and red hot torrents stream out.
I’m enduring a fiery fecal bout.
I close my brown eye as I near the end.
My rectum, never again be mend.
Feebly, from the throne I dismount.

Pure Pooetry

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