
Pure Pooetry Incorpoorated

Our shit-shares have sky rocketed through the roof.
Thus it’s a good thing our toilets are rustproof.

Our porcelain has been our financial foundation.
Think of them as our business work station.

Our caca-corporation has a solid business plan.
Compose while poopin’, and eat lots of bran.

When the Bowel-Jones went into the red…
That’s when we shat all over the bed.

Thankfully no one lost their poppin’ turtle head.
But we struggled to cut our loaves of brown bread.

We bent over backwards to get back in the brown.
Our drive was high and we kept our pants down.

But that was years ago, we’ve since bounced back.
With fecal sputtering constantly from the crack.

Pure Pooetry

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