
Like an Animal

Don’t you hate it when you are out…
And suddenly your bowels begin to shout?

“I need to poop!”, they annoyingly scream.
And often times there’s no loo to be seen.

Then you walk around while you hold it in.
While on your face is an uncomfortable grin.

And when you find a place to do your poo.
The throne is busy and there’s even a cue!

And time is of the essence so what do you do?
You walk away and try to find another loo.

But time has run and out it’s just too late.
You can’t hold on so you contemplate.

Animals don’t have this kind of problem.
They simply release their chocolate goblin.

So you hurry off and walk outside.
And swallow that pill that they call pride.

Pure Pooetry

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