
Killer Stench: The Return

It’s a good thing no one can smell this shiz.
Cos I’m dropping a stinker like no one’s biz!

It’s fuelled by deep-fried nasties and beers.
The stench is guaranteed to bring on the tears!

Even as I sit and conduct this trainwreck…
I’m loaded with more fuel up to my neck!

Several more brown deliveries have arrived.
By covering my face I somehow survived.

I should never have stood to begin the process of wiping.
The seal is now broken, a waft rises from the piping!

I grab the freshener and spray like no tomorrow.
I pray this fragrance will drown my stinky sorrows.

But now I choke on Sewer Breeze Floral Mist.
The two scents combine and learn to coexist.

They fight back and attack my poor lungs.
I fall to the floor, defeated by the bung.

Pure Pooetry

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