Those nachos tasted awesome going in…
But gave me a gas stinking of pure sin.
And the cheeseburger loaded with bacon and eggs.
The leaked fumes smelled like Satan’s butt dregs.
And now I try to poop and the brown won’t budge.
Confound it! Not another stubborn fudge!
I try an early wipe to get it started.
But my finger slipped just as I farted!
I think I just made these matters worse.
The brown needs out but did a reverse.
This blockage of brown, accumulates into a mound.
How will I send it off to sewerage town?
What if I could mail it off in a parcel?
Surely that would end in a court-martial!
Imagine the looks I’d get from the judge…
“Your honour, the blames lies on the sludge!”
I’d get sentenced as a terrorist mastermind.
When I just want to clear out my behind.
It all started with a tissue tear scare…
And ended with biological warfare!
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